Welcome follow @Kyle_Chu !

2009年12月11日 星期五

推特光明頂六大高手 The Top 6 Positive Tweet people you should follow !


L. L. Cool J. (@llcoolj):

The reason I like him isn’t his music but his positive way in writing tweet : simple, clear and powerful. You can touched by his “Force”and you don’t have to be the American or English men to understand his simple writings.

在英語世界的幾萬個推特作者裡,L. L. Cool J. (@llcoolj)堪稱最頂尖的寫作者,每則推特都言簡意遠,文法簡明有力,當然跟他持續不間斷每天寫歌詞的習慣有關,但對推特讀者而言,要持續用光明面感動人,不陳腔濫調、不撒狗血,非得有幾分寫詞的才華才行,也許我們愛聽Damine Rice,但每天在手機裡看到他哭罵世界的詞,就遠沒有 L. L. Cool J.適合微網誌世界了。

RT @llcoolj: Don't be afraid of the space between your dreams and reality. If you can dream it, you can make it so. (別怕夢與現實差太遠,夢得到就做得到。)

Bikini_Beat (@Bikini_Beat):

Bikini_Beat is a “Bikini”hot twitter but all of their tweets are linking to healthy bikini pics. That’s the secret of their power : “Positive and Beautiful”. Anyone could produce some all-nude pics to get some followers but just can’t compare to Bikini_Beat.

Bikini_Beat (@Bikini_Beat)證明了:最誘人的女生是穿著比基尼微笑的正妹,而非情色網站裡無謂地胡亂露點的傻妹,任何人都可以弄些情色圖片騙到幾個人跟推,但沒有露點的Bikini_Beat才贏得最多推友支持,非常多女生喜歡跟他們的推來看泳裝或戲水的流行趨勢。

Rose Hwang(@rosehwang)

佔台灣推特最多跟推者的女性Rose Hwang,在推特世界裡打破一個刻板印象:誰說台灣人的英文能力不能比英美國家好?她也證實一個現實:在網路世界裡,中、英文能力兼具的推特用者,能贏到最多的跟推者,將她放在推特正面光明軍的推薦名單裡,是讀中文跟讀英文的推友的共同推薦:正面、可愛、俏皮、充滿希望。


The Positive Queen of Twitter!!

舉凡各種宗教、文化的正面格言,博學多聞的她無所不推,激勵人心的文章她頭一個為推友找到,再不時發明一些符號堆砌出的正面圖像推,稱Lori Moreno推特光明頂的滅絕師太絕不為過。



Carry out ONE random act of kindness a day with no expectation of reward. #RAOK。






2009年9月5日 星期六

下雨或大熱天台北平價美食:石川日本料理 - Sunny or Rainy days to eat in Taipei:Ishikawa Japanese Restaurant

寄件者 fatcat.foods

Ishikawa Japanese Restaurant
Jing-Hua Street No.60, Taipei, Taiwan

寄件者 fatcat.foods






寄件者 fatcat.foods

The points for "Rainy or Sunny days to eat in Taipei" are low-priced,delicious,full and not walking in the rain too long.

Ishikawa Japanese Restaurant got the highest score in "not walking in the rain or under sunshine too long". The NT.20 parking area is so close that almost perfect to drivers. And it's also near the subway station for the walker.

The most recommended package is "eel package" and "beef package". Both of them can make a strong boxer feeling very full.

The taste of this Restaurant is unique like "Taiwanese-Japanese fusion".

But it's always can bring you some warm feeling to eat in the rainy and sunny days in Taipei.


2009年8月12日 星期三

Twitter News 推特報:To see Baseballboys ! Fight the future! 去看《野球孩子》戰勝未來!

2009/8/8, Super typhoon Morakot destroyed most of south Taiwan : Typhoon Morakot report center.

2009/8/11, I went to see the movie "Baseballboys". Amazingly, I walked out with smile because I realized that I found a lot of vitality from these "Baseballboys".

The most touching moment of this movie isn't about the baseball but how these boys playing to merge with the nature of Hualien. That reminds us
should keep faith and fight the future for Taiwan.

The movie "Baseballboys" is highly recommended to see and fight the future for Taiwan.

Baseballboys Official Blog














2009年8月8日 星期六

Twitter News 推特報:My sports blog and twitter made me became a TV sports Analyst 寫運動部落格寫到上電視

2009/1/11, I started to write blogs about the pro sports games previews in Chinese.

And I felt deeply that the data of the Pro-Sports are more credible than stocks in market. Especially in this Financial tsunami, it seemed that small amount of sports bets are more trustworthy than any other kind of financial products.

I kept writing and studying the data of Pro-Sports games and posting my thought on my Blog: http://buffycat.blogspot.com/

After 7 months, I sent a e-mail to become a candidate of VL Sports channel(Taiwanese Local leading Sport Channel). And I met the famous TV Host Tsai.

Then, I got this opportunity to tell everybody my thoughts about Pro-sports games previews. The day was August 7th, 2009.

2009年1月11日,我開始嘗試把當作娛樂的運動彩券分析寫成部落格:肥貓運彩報 http://buffycat.blogspot.com/



The first person I met is the girl that they called her "The long legs Chick". She really got a pair of long legs and the perfect body like models. She helped me out in preparing works a lot.

After that, I took a picture of the 3 stars of this program with me. The fat guy is a really nice guy and the thin guy is taller than I thought.



At first, I tried to introduce the twitter account @peteabe who can tell us a lot of Yankees' infomation.


After that, I predicted a Reds vs. Giants game as my twitter(@Kyle_Chu) said that Giants could win:

Tim Lincecum is good enough, but still needs Giants' bats to beat powerless Reds. #MLB #San Francisco Giants #Cincinnati Reds


Then I predicted a Orioles vs. Blue Jays game as my twitter(@Kyle_Chu) said that Blue Jays could win:

Ricky Romero's Home ERA is only 3.33! Jason Berken wasn't good to pitch away from home. #MLB #Toronto Blue Jays #Baltimore Orioles


Well, I wish there's another chance to get on TV to tell my thought of English Premier League games!





2009年7月26日 星期日

Twitter 推特報:My private sports twitter tutors 我的私人運動推特家教團

No.1 of My private sports twitter tutors is Alyssa Milano(@Alyssa_Milano):

The reason I like her isn’t her beauty but her wit in writing tweet : simple, clear and cute. And she also know many of sports info.




No.2 of My private sports twitter tutors is Shaq (@THE_REAL_SHAQ):

Shaq is a humor guy but his tweets are not so easy for Asian to read. Actually, most of the best of his tweets were shortcuts to the NBA world and Hollywood. There're a lot of fun to read his tweets.









我的推特運動家教團: My private sports twitter tutors:


Twitter 初級班



MLB交易 球員近況 重要新聞

NBA交易 球員近況 重要新聞





2009年6月28日 星期日

District 9 - Peter Jackson challenge your " racial boundary"!《魔戒》導演彼得傑克森挑戰你的種族觀!

2009/06 Good stuff to watch:

District 9 - Trailer


The basic purpose of movie trailers that just want you to see the movie later.

But the trailer of "District 9" became an argument! You thought that you were gonna see refugee camps or racial segregation which you would post the strongest words on Twitter,Plurk or blogs to express support for these poor people.

But Peter Jackson (The Lord of the Rings, King Kong, The Lovely Bones) won't let you get away easily.

How do you feel about watching these ugly aliens being interrogated mercilessly? Or you thought that's Not racial discrimination at all?!

I don't know "District 9" is good or not, but its trailer really make me thinking.







關於電影《第九禁區》 :

《第九禁區》是《魔戒》導演彼得傑克森首次將科幻漫畫創作製作成電影,交由加拿大籍新銳導演Neill Blomkamp執導,劇情將由描述迫降在南非約翰尼斯堡的外星人,遭到類似難民的隔離對待,探討人性對「非我族類」的各種反應。電影訂於2009年8月14日全球首映。

District 9 is an upcoming science fiction film produced by Peter Jackson and directed by Neill Blomkamp. The film is set for an August 14, 2009 release date.It takes place in Johannesburg, South Africa.。

(所有影片來源You Tube.com)

【肥貓You Tube報】跟您一起分享好片!

2009年6月7日 星期日

Ueno Juri - Goddess of the otaku got U!上野樹里 – 宅女神抓住你!

2009/6/07Good stuff to watch:

Ueno Juri - Daiwa House "D-Room" CM 

上野樹里 「宅女神」大和房屋小額房貸廣告系列

Ueno Juri,a Japaness actress that you wouldn’t consider as a beautiful star. But her unique charm could always catch you, especially while you spent a lot of time to stay home.   

Whether you're an otacu or not, if you've seen the movie "Swinggirl" and "Turtles Are Surprisingly Fast Swimmers", you will recognize Ueno Juri almost can present all the poor young people who need small the mortgage loan for living.

Ueno Juri has a foolish Innocence that can touch you in the heart.

So I say : Goddess of the otaku got U! 




 (所有影片來源You Tube.com)

2009年5月30日 星期六

Nike MVPuppets "Puppet Chalk":Excellent stupidity ! 絕佳的愚蠢!

2009/5/30 Good stuff to watch:

Nike MVPuppets "Puppet Chalk"


Don't get me wrong. I'm a huge LeBron fan that I love to watch him beat Magic at last second. 

In Nike MVPuppets "Puppet Chalk", Lebron is so stupid to knock everybody out. We all know that real Lebron is too serious to be stupid. So, we love him more because the excellent stupidity "Nike MVPuppets Lebron" revealed.

別誤會,肥貓絕對是LeBron James的粉絲,雖然也欣賞Kobe Bryant的球技,但心裡面總希望LeBron贏,看到LeBron一球絕殺魔術隊時,有從頭到腳起雞皮疙瘩的快感。

但耐吉「最有價值布偶」-【粉灰篇】不只是非常好笑,在一直不斷地拍粉灰到像雪花般落滿Kobe的肩頭的過程中,LeBron像個白癡一樣不斷地講些興奮過頭的蠢話,反而讓人更愛這支短片, 正因為在真實世界裡應付強敵的LeBron太過認真嚴肅,這布偶憨憨討喜的表現,展現了絕佳的幽默,也給我們更多熱愛LeBron的理由。

 (所有影片來源You Tube.com)