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2009年5月30日 星期六

Nike MVPuppets "Puppet Chalk":Excellent stupidity ! 絕佳的愚蠢!

2009/5/30 Good stuff to watch:

Nike MVPuppets "Puppet Chalk"


Don't get me wrong. I'm a huge LeBron fan that I love to watch him beat Magic at last second. 

In Nike MVPuppets "Puppet Chalk", Lebron is so stupid to knock everybody out. We all know that real Lebron is too serious to be stupid. So, we love him more because the excellent stupidity "Nike MVPuppets Lebron" revealed.

別誤會,肥貓絕對是LeBron James的粉絲,雖然也欣賞Kobe Bryant的球技,但心裡面總希望LeBron贏,看到LeBron一球絕殺魔術隊時,有從頭到腳起雞皮疙瘩的快感。

但耐吉「最有價值布偶」-【粉灰篇】不只是非常好笑,在一直不斷地拍粉灰到像雪花般落滿Kobe的肩頭的過程中,LeBron像個白癡一樣不斷地講些興奮過頭的蠢話,反而讓人更愛這支短片, 正因為在真實世界裡應付強敵的LeBron太過認真嚴肅,這布偶憨憨討喜的表現,展現了絕佳的幽默,也給我們更多熱愛LeBron的理由。

 (所有影片來源You Tube.com)

